Me getting in position to photo ID a whale shark

February 18, 2011

Moving Right Along...

So my plan has been to move forward with the Honduras idea and Georgia Aquarium idea so that next month when I find out if I got the Georgia internship I will already be prepared with a plan A and plan B. I realize the assignment for this week has been to do exploratory research about your topic, but honestly I've invested most of my time into trying to find out how to get more internship money from the school.
I found some whale sharks on the "animal tracking" feature of Google Earth and had fun exploring that. I found 2 other documentaries that featured whale sharks. I found an article talking about the effects of the Gulf oil spill on the negative buoyancy of whale sharks.... I'll add those links a little later on today.
The progress I've made this week has primarily been looking at flight and lodging information for Honduras, preparing for my SCUBA certification at the end of the month, emailing and re-emailing directors of the internships I'm looking at, and researching the steps into getting SCOP money, a GEL grant, a summer and/or fall internship scholarship, and following up with what the IS department offered to help out with. Also, I told my mom and dad about going to Honduras or Georgia this week, haha.

1 comment:

  1. these are excellent steps, fine progress, just what you most need at this point. let me know about the other sources of funding besides IS.
